1C:Pawnshop Management


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The 1C:Lombard program offers a comprehensive solution for pawnshop business automation and accounting management. This system provides integration with key regulatory and accounting structures and simplifies compliance with legal requirements. Let's take a closer look at its features and benefits. Main Features and Benefits of "1C:Pawnshop" Automization of Pledge Operations: Speed up the process of loan disbursement and repayment. Efficiently manage collateral operations, simplifying procedures for clients and employees. Unified Base for EPS, GAAP and RAS accounting: Ability to keep records in different systems (Unified Planning System, OSBU and RAS) in one base. Automatic generation of entries for both systems, providing a smooth transition between them. Integration with GIIS DMDK: Interaction with the Unified Information Platform, which simplifies accounting and reporting. Compliance with Requirements of 115-FZ: Compliance with the requirements of the law on combating money laundering and financing of terrorism. Improving the level of internal control and transaction security. Accounting for Leases under 635-P (IFRS 16): Automating lease accounting in accordance with the new standards introduced on January 1, 2019. Cloud Technology and Mobile App: Accessibility of the program in a cloud-based format that does not require local software installation. Mobile app for convenient out-of-office work. Benefits for Business Efficiency and Transparency of Operations: The program provides acceleration of all operations and increases the transparency of processes. Risk Reduction: Legal compliance and accounting automation minimize risks associated with financial irregularities. Simplify Regulatory Reporting: Reporting automation and integration with regulators simplifies compliance. Optimization of Inventory and Resource Management: Improved inventory and resource control helps improve overall business performance. .
  • Deployment
  • In the cloud
  • On server
  • Company type
  • Small business
  • Medium business
  • Big business
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Application areas


Sales funnel
Customer base
Order management
Product catalog
Call center and telephony
History of interaction with the client
Loyalty systems
Monitoring of personnel efficiency
Time management
Monitoring of personnel efficiency
Time management
Support management
Open Source
Mail integration
Email newsletters
Project templates
File storage
Project templates
File storage
Gantt chart
Billing and Accounts
Data export/import
Connecting the Fis.registrar
API for integration
Web forms
Kanban board