The 1C:Lombard program offers a comprehensive solution for pawnshop business automation and accounting management. This system provides integration with key regulatory and accounting structures and simplifies compliance with legal requirements. Let's take a closer look at its features and benefits.
Main Features and Benefits of "1C:Pawnshop"
Automization of Pledge Operations:
Speed up the process of loan disbursement and repayment.
Efficiently manage collateral operations, simplifying procedures for clients and employees.
Unified Base for EPS, GAAP and RAS accounting:
Ability to keep records in different systems (Unified Planning System, OSBU and RAS) in one base.
Automatic generation of entries for both systems, providing a smooth transition between them.
Integration with GIIS DMDK:
Interaction with the Unified Information Platform, which simplifies accounting and reporting.
Compliance with Requirements of 115-FZ:
Compliance with the requirements of the law on combating money laundering and financing of terrorism.
Improving the level of internal control and transaction security.
Accounting for Leases under 635-P (IFRS 16):
Automating lease accounting in accordance with the new standards introduced on January 1, 2019.
Cloud Technology and Mobile App:
Accessibility of the program in a cloud-based format that does not require local software installation.
Mobile app for convenient out-of-office work.
Benefits for Business
Efficiency and Transparency of Operations: The program provides acceleration of all operations and increases the transparency of processes.
Risk Reduction: Legal compliance and accounting automation minimize risks associated with financial irregularities.
Simplify Regulatory Reporting: Reporting automation and integration with regulators simplifies compliance.
Optimization of Inventory and Resource Management: Improved inventory and resource control helps improve overall business performance.