Riter.co is a project management tool focused on using chat as the primary platform for workflow management. The system offers task and project management capabilities right in chat, integrating Slack and Jira features for a seamless experience. Riter.co is a project management tool focused on using chat as its primary workflow platform.
Riter.co features:
Chat Management: All tasks and communications are done via chat, simplifying workflow.
Customize workflow: The platform allows you to customize your workflow to meet the specific needs of your team. Customize workflow.
Task Hierarchy: Ability to group projects and divide tasks into subtasks.
Time Management: Built-in time management that supports tracking of working hours.
Flexible pricing: Plans are available for startups, larger companies, and enterprise customers, including white-labeling capabilities and advanced storage options.
Riter.co is suitable for companies looking to simplify project management with a chat-based approach.