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Gincore is a comprehensive business process management software for stores, service centers and warehouses. This system is designed to maximize operational efficiency and increase business profitability. Gincore is a comprehensive business process management software for stores, service centers and warehouses. Main Features and Benefits of Gincore Enhance Sales and Average Check: Marketing tools including CRM with sales funnel and advertising channel tracking. Motivation system for salespeople and integration with IP telephony. Warehouse Management: Eliminate re-sorting and shortages in warehouses. Easy import of warehouse balances and product nomenclature. Service Center Management: Logging of employee actions and SMS system for informing customers. Recording of telephone conversations and integration with the website to track the status of orders. Accounting: Integration with fiscal registrars and automated payroll calculation. A variety of financial reports and analytics on profits and expenses. Convenience and Accessibility: Browser-based program accessible from anywhere in the world. Customize employee access rights and monitor key metrics remotely. Beginning of Work: Easy 3-minute registration and free version of the program. Tutorial videos on YouTube and online chat support. Closure. Gincore is a powerful tool for managing a variety of aspects of a business, from customer service to warehousing and accounting. Its comprehensive approach and flexibility make it an ideal choice for businesses looking to streamline processes and increase profitability. Gincore is suitable for businesses of all sizes and provides the necessary tools for effective management and growth. Gincore is the right solution for businesses of all sizes.
  • Deployment
  • In the cloud
  • Company type
  • Small business
  • Medium business
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Integration with services

Mango Office


Google Analytics

UIS телефония

Виртуальная АТС Мегафон



Sales funnel
Customer base
Order management
Product catalog
Call center and telephony
History of interaction with the client
Loyalty systems
Monitoring of personnel efficiency
Time management
Monitoring of personnel efficiency
Time management
Support management
Open Source
Mail integration
Email newsletters
Project templates
File storage
Project templates
File storage
Gantt chart
Billing and Accounts
Data export/import
Connecting the Fis.registrar
API for integration
Web forms
Kanban board